Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Danielle Zarlino: The Dream Thieves - Live

Dear Verizon Wireless, Do you provide group administrators software on a freemium basis? Please call +Coach Z @+1.(740) 964-9905 Thank You. 1. - 740 964-9905 PS. Why did Vodafone sell it's stake in your company. They owned 45% of your multi billion dollar operations? CC: Federal Communications Commission Federal Trade Commission FYI the Ticker symbol invented by ‪#‎Big_Data‬ back in the day for our brending networks is PVSP. I do not have anything to do with the company other... than I own the stock. It's a public company traded on the Grey Market. Which is legal as opposed to the Black Market. I speak for any group member when I say we do not support the Black Hat we are Tiger Team. STUXNET@STUXNET ‪#‎USNavy‬ ‪#‎PlatformsMatter‬ Fill free to vet http://registrationreferralrewards.com and you will see one of our Googolplexian of iterations. A Googolplexian is the world's largest number with a name as of this brend. A brend is a derivative of our portmanteau, neologism, or axiom brending. Brending was invented by myself and my little brother Marko on March 9th, 2011. http://yourcarguy.shutterfly.com is a case study of when you brend a friend your iterations increase. Ref: The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googolplex of zeros. The googol name has now taken third place behind googleplex. My suggestion for Vodafone is to spend the ten dollars and buy a url need to host the new largest number in the world with a name and call it brending. The new fact would be: "The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a Googleplexian of zeros. We use to call those benni suggs (Beneficial Suggestions) when I was in the U.S. Navy CC: U. S. Department Of State (brending)
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  • Zarlino John Dear Verizon, I was on the phone with one of your account managers and our line went dead. I would like to speak to someone concerning my account. I would also like to know why Vodafone sold it's 45% stake in your company. I would also like to know why you sent me a new tablet and did not credit me for the old tablet what was sold to our team of brenders brending brends with other brenders at world wide locations. https://www.facebook.com/ProjectInterclub | I am not an unhappy customer. As far as I am concerned Verizon Wireless Rocks™ | Five Star Review | Excellent | #f8.me/start brending. Please call me back today. Thank you. Today is August 8th, 2014. It's 1:25 PM EST. John Zarlino | MyVerizon # is +1.(614) 204-2009 | Please & Thank you. PS - You can also call my desk line: +1.(740) 964-9905 or my Google Voice Line +1.(347) ZAR-LINO (927-5466)

    http://brending.getintheripple.com/Project InterClub #Project_InterClub@Project_InterClub
    Community: 21 like this

  • Zarlino John Dear Verizon Wireless, Do you provide group administrators software on a freemium basis? Please call +Coach Z @+1.(740) 964-9905 Thank You. 1. - 740 964-9905 PS. Why did Vodafone sell it's stake in your company. They owned 45% of your multi billion dollar operations? CC: Federal Communications Commission Federal Trade Commission FYI the Ticker symbol invented by #Big_Data back in the day for our brending networks is PVSP. I do not have anything to do with the company other than I own the stock. It's a public company traded on the Grey Market. Which is legal as opposed to the Black Market. I speak for any group member when I say we do not support the Black Hat we are Tiger Team. STUXNET@STUXNET #USNavy #PlatformsMatter Fill free to vet http://registrationreferralrewards.com and you will see one of our Googolplexian of iterations. A Googolplexian is the world's largest number with a name as of this brend. A brend is a derivative of our portmanteau, neologism, or axiom brending. Brending was invented by myself and my little brother Marko on March 9th, 2011. http://yourcarguy.shutterfly.com is a case study of when you brend a friend your iterations increase. Ref: The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googolplex of zeros. The googol name has now taken third place behind googleplex. My suggestion for Vodafone is to spend the ten dollars and buy a url need to host the new largest number in the world with a name and call it brending. The new fact would be: "The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a Googleplexian of zeros. We use to call those benni suggs (Beneficial Suggestions) when I was in the U.S. Navy CC: U. S. Department Of State (brending)
    At Registration Referral Rewards we realize that our best form of advertising is people and, our satisfied body of customers!
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    Danielle Zarlino: The Dream Thieves - Live: "The game is always on." "Do you want to play with me?" "Photo Guessaroo" are all taglines for GETVapt &... Text: northcoastautomall To: 90210

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